Sleep Apnea Innovation

Inspire Sleep Surgery in Montgomery County, MD
Inspire is the only FDA approved obstructive sleep apnea treatment that works inside your body to treat the root cause of sleep apnea with just the click of a button.
The Maryland Center for Sleep Surgery in Montgomery County, MD is one of the leading Inspire centers in the Baltimore-Washington region.
See if Inspire is the Right Treatment for You
The Maryland Center for Sleep Surgery uses a straightforward evaluation process to identify those patients who would benefit most from Inspire therapy.
Continue reading below to learn more about the procedure and the evaluation process.
Safe and Tested
Inspire Therapy is FDA approved for treatment of sleep apnea
Same Day Surgery
The procedure takes about 2 hours and does not require an overnight stay
No Mask or Hose
Inspire is designed to completely eliminate the need for CPAP
Surgical Experience
Dr. Hobelmann is one of the most experienced Inspire surgeons in the region
How Does Inspire Work?
Treating Sleep Apnea at the Source
Inspire therapy involves a small device which is implanted during a 2 hour same-day procedure through two small incisions.
When you sleep at night, your device senses when you start to take a breath. Before your tongue begins to obstruct your airway, a gentle and painless stimulation to your tongue prevents it from falling backwards, allowing you to breathe easily and get the rest you deserve.
Office Consult
All patients begin with an office consultation including a full head and neck exam in addition to a detailed discussion of sleep history, habits and patterns, and prior sleep apnea treatments.
Sleep Endoscopy
In order to determine if you are an Inspire candidate, you will undergo a short 5-10 minute painless outpatient procedure to evaluate your airway while you are asleep under anesthesia.
Inspire Procedure
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia (completely asleep) and lasts about two hours. Dr. Hobelmann operates at Medstar Montgomery Medical Center in Olney, MD and at Rockville Surgical Suites.
Device Activation
Your device will remain inactive for about a month after your procedure to allow time for healing. Afterwards, Dr. Hobelmann will activate your device in the office.
What’s Involved?
Every interested patient is evaluated in the office and undergoes sleep endoscopy (upper airway exam) to assess whether they are an Inspire candidate.
After the Inspire procedure, you will continue to follow with Dr. Hobelmann to adjust your device settings and endure you are getting the most value out of your new Inspire device.
The Inspire Procedure
Preparing for Surgery
After you are approved for Inspire therapy, we will work with your insurance to make sure you are covered ahead of time.
You may be asked to get clearance from your primary care doctor or cardiologist before surgery day.
The night before your procedure, you should avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight to prepare for general anesthesia.
The Day of Surgery
All procedures are performed at Medstar Montgomery Medical Center in Olney, MD or at Rockville Surgical Suites.
You will be asked to arrive 1-2 hours prior to your surgery for check in. The procedure lasts about 2 hours and is performed under full general anesthesia (completely asleep).
Afterwards, you will remain in the recovery area for 1-2 hours to allow the anesthesia to wear off.
Your Post-op Recovery
Pain is generally minimal. You will be provided pain medication but may people do not require any.
You will not be able to shower for the first 2 days after surgery, and should limit any heavy lifting or physical activity. Its best to plan to be out of work for 5-7 days.
You will be seen in the office about a week after your procedure to check your incisions and make sure you are on track.
see if you qualify for inspire therapy
Am I eligible?
In addition to undergoing sleep endoscopy (an upper airway exam), patients must meet the following criteria to be approved for Inspire therapy.
Interested in Inspire? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Hobelmann to answer your questions and determine if you are a candidate.
You must be diagnosed with moderate or severe obstructive sleep apnea
To be diagnosed with moderate to severe OSA, you must undergo a home sleep study or a sleep study in a dedicated sleep lab.
You must be unable to tolerate or get consistent benefit from CPAP
Some people do not get adequate results with CPAP. Others are unable to tolerate the mask at night. If you have not tried CPAP, you may need to do so before qualifying for Inspire.
You must not be significantly obese
Inspire therapy may not be approved for patients with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 35. You can check your BMI at this CDC website.
You must be age 18 or older
Currently, Inspire therapy is only approved for adults age 18 or older.
Is Inspire covered by insurance?
Yes! Once you are deemed a candidate for Inspire therapy, most major insurance carriers, including Medicare, will cover the procedure. The exact cost to you will depend on your insurance plan with your provider.
How should I prepare for my initial appointment?
If you have ever had a sleep study before (either a home sleep study or a sleep study at a sleep lab), make sure to bring the results from that study to your appointment. You should also be prepared to discuss your sleep habits and any treatments you have tried (CPAP, surgery, oral appliance, etc).
What does Inspire therapy feel like?
Inspire provides gentle stimulation to prevent your tongue from falling back and obstructing your breathing at night. By design, it is meant to be painless and comfortable without disturbing your sleep at night.
How long does the battery last?
The Inspire battery is designed to last about 10 years. It can be replaced in a simple outpatient procedure.
Is Inspire DOT approved?
Dr. Hobelmann is able to print out a report to show how often you use your Inspire device, much like a CPAP. By showing that you are actively using your device, there should be no issues renewing your commercial driver’s license